Saturday, February 21, 2009


My story I will write about everyday or so

"Once upon a time, there was a cute little yellow with pink poke-a-doted dog. He was walking through the park and then..." said mom.
As she goes to finish her story I says, "Mom what does this have to do anything with my problem? I am not little anymore you need to stop trying to fix my problems with a story that has nothing to do with my life!" I ran up to my room from the living room crying my eyes out. When I got there I closed my door and started to pick up my clothes from the floor.
"Why does she treat me like I am five? I am fourteen almost fifteen, why doesn't she understand that? Grr oh well I will clean my room then sneak out of my window. Not like she will know because I am to little to do that, you know Didi?", she said to the monkey on her bed. "I wish she was more like you, you always listen to me. Thank you Didi."
I sneak out of my window and start walking to Emily's. It is dark and cold out here I hate winter for that reason. As I reach Emily's house I see him! WOW he is so cute! oh my is he coming this way do I look okay?? oh my um stop talking to yourself he isn't going to talk to you. I walk right passed him and he didn't say anything does he not notice me? As I keep walking he turns around and says, "Hey Ally right? You are in my history class?"
I turn around excited and say, "Hey Brandon and yeah it's Ally. I am in your history class. Why do you ask?"
He gets a smile on his face that smile I love to see everyday of my life. "Oh I thought I knew you. What are you doing tonight?"
I answer so fast I don't think I could have answered any faster, "Nothing at all. Why?! You?"
He says,"Well I am going to a party wanna go? Are you cold? Want my jacket?"
Did he just ask me that of course I would. How should I say that oh I better answer before he thinks I am weird or something. "Yes, I love party's! who's party? I am cold, but I don't want you to get cold I will live."
"No I am hot, I don't need it. Lets go it's this way." he put his jacket on me then grabs my hand and starts walking with me to this house. then he pointed to the house it was at,"It's Tommy's party and there is his house."
"There isn't a lot of car, well there is only two cars. Are we early or something?" I asked while wishing that wasn't the house and we could walk farther holding hands. I wait for him to answer he didn't answer after it seemed like five minutes. "Hello? Are we early? or did no one drive here it looks empty?"
He looks at me and then as I see his beautiful eyes he finally says,"oh sorry, ya we are um... early. Don't worry about it people will come."
Is he lying? No why would he lie about something like that? Stop freaking out you have the hottest guy in school holding your hand not anyone else. Don't ruin this. "Oh I am not worried. Why would I be worried?" Why did you just ask that are you stupid. There is a lot of reason you would be worried.
"just saying sorry, um.. if you want we don't have to go to the party we can go hang out at my house or something?" He asks with this weird voice.
"well I don't really care. I am easy." does he really just want to hang with me Ally the girl he never talks to? Is today my lucky day?

By Savannah Copyrighting is bad ha ha

I will finish it later I have to go sorry.

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